Hi, I am Tracy Nicole, the blog owner.
I am an entrepreneur.
In my spare time, I love finding free money apps, deals, and anything that puts money back into the bank.
I graduated from Columbia University with a degree in Psychology. Before I became an entrepreneur, I worked in education and non-profit management.
I have been an entrepreneur for five years although I started this blog in August 2019.
It is one of three businesses that I own.
I wanted to start this blog to help people see how easy it is to use technology to get free money from things like apps and cash back portals; or to find a good deal.
You can add extra money in two ways: increase your net worth (like making an extra $100 from apps that require no time or getting $300 from bank bonuses) or decrease your expenses (like find a good deal or reduce dining out).
I hope to save you time and a lot of guesswork.
You won’t get rich or replace your income doing any of the apps and websites I review.
You can add an extra couple hundred a month.
An extra hundred or so can help you fit things in a tight budget or put money toward important goals like an emergency fund; Christmas money; or just treat yourself to a nice restaurant.
I named the blog “Adding Pennies” because I believe that a penny added is a penny added to your net worth.
A penny may look small, but it adds up.
Check out our Start Here page to see how to quickly get started.
I look forward to sharing all I know.