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You can save money on annual subscriptions.
There is a subscription to everything now, from tv streaming to meal kits to Amazon Prime.
This can be costly.
A lot of people don’t even get full usage out of these subscriptions, simply because they have too many.
You don’t have to be tied to annual subscriptions or keep paying for things you don’t use often.
On the other hand, you don’t have to completely omit a service just because you won’t use it every month.
I find just paying for subscriptions monthly when I need (even just one month) allows me to have a lot of fun without wasting money.
Here is how this works for me and the subscriptions that I use monthly every now and then.
Everyone has different tastes, but most subscriptions will let you pay by the month.
Remember, most subscriptions have a free trial initially too.
Subscription Services I Pay For One Month Or Here And There
1. Steaming Services

I don’t watch a lot of television outside of the news (national, local, CNN), Food Network (am a foodie), HGTV, and other educational stations like Discover.
Though I never got into television series, every now and then I like trying a new series (or new to me).
That is why I loved Hulu.
I could catch up on any new show that interests me.
There is one problem: I don’t have time for this every month.
So, to have fun every now and then, I just pay for a month to Hulu here and there.
That is only $5.99 per month.
I do the same for Netflix and the others.
That is only $8.99 for the popular Netflix.
Since neither of these are often, this is cost effective and fun.
I feel cool when I can discuss Netflix like everyone else without spending a lot of money.
2. Amazon Prime
Everyone knows that the real value in Amazon Prime is the savings in shipping.
I don’t ship enough products through Amazon to warrant the annual fee though.
Whenever there is a month where my shipping costs will be greater than the monthly fee, I subscribe.
For instance, every couple of months I have to pay for specialty contact supplies only ordered on Amazon.
I have to wear hard contacts for my eye disease.
My eye disease is rare.
Don’ feel bad for me.
I have no other health problems.
I enjoy the other Amazon Prime perks then too.
I don’t shop at Amazon as much as most people though again.
3. Audible

I love reading books, and I love Audible.
First, know that you don’t have to pay full price for Audible every month.
When you go to cancel, they will always give you a better offer.
You could do this every month.
Right now, I have 3 months for $6.95 instead of the regular $14.95/month.
Audible is not the only channel I read books through either.
I also read books through kindle as well as read regular books.
Sometimes, I read a book again too, so I may not use Audible every month.
I also buy discounted books on Audible in addition to my monthly credit.
I have gotten these for less than $5.
So, since I read so many other books through channels other than my Audible credit, I don’t always use Audible every month
4. CVS CarePass
I am an infrequent CVS shopper.
Before I discovered the CVS reward program all I knew about CVS was that Rite Aid seemed cheaper.
Now that I have learned their reward program I get free items and the best deal on my contact solution.
At least once a month, they send me a coupon for 40% off any item.
This brings me from $19.99 for my contact solution supplies (same price at Walmart, Target, etc.) to around $10.
That can’t be beat.
I don’t need contact supplies every month, but when I do, I use CarePass and get free shipping and the $10 off coupon.
In addition to my contact solution, I also need a cleaner that usually costs $12.
With the CVS CarePass $10 off, I pay $2 instead of $12.
This can’t be beat (not even by Walmart).
I also take my free CarePass shipping.
5. Any Service That Interests Me
Because most services can be tried monthly (first through free trials like Kindle Unlimited) and next through a monthly fee, any subscription that interests me can be subscribed to for just a month every now and then.
Again, this is not only a lot of fun but cost effective.
I enjoy subscriptions like Hulu, Netflix, Amazon Prime like everyone else.
Most of these subscriptions would not be used every month though.
Instead of wasting money, I just subscribe for a month here and there.
This saves me a lot of money, but still allows me to enjoy these services.
Do you do any monthly subscriptions instead of annual subscriptions?