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Saving money can put hundreds if not thousands a year back in your pocket.
We talk a lot about how to make extra money, but don’t neglect this other side of the equation: how to save money
I have seen people cut their expenses and be able to work part time and achieve other big financial goals.
I did a post about how to save money for the New Year.
I thought I could give you an even bigger list.
This list should cover every area of your budget.
I hope it helps you save money in every area of life.
100 Ways To Save Money On Just About Everything
How To Save Money On Groceries

1. Use apps like Ibotta
Apps like Ibotta give you cash back for your groceries.
Combine Ibotta with other apps, sales, and paper coupons.
RELATED: 9 Free Apps To Start With That Pay You To Scan Grocery Receipts
2. Use coupons
Combine manufactured coupons with store coupons.
3. Read the grocery store’s weekly circular
Pay attention to your grocery store’s weekly circular.
Buy items on sale and stock up until the next sale cycle.
Know that every product has a sale cycle, so you can predict the next sale.
4. Buy generic
Buy store brand products.
I personally like organic store brands like Whole Foods 365.
Kroger and Target have organic brands too.
I use those too.
I get organic for a lower price than big brand.
When it comes to meat and dairy, I only trust natural food stores like Whole Foods though.
You would think I spend more buying a lot of organic products.
Because I buy generic organic, I still spend less than people who buy brand name products.
My grocery bill is much lower than the average person.
One of my other business is a health and wellness business.
Not all products even need to be organic.
5. Look for items at top or bottom of shelf
Items in the middle of the aisle are more expensive.
Look above or below eye level.
6. Get a rain check
If your store will give you a rain check for a product out of stock, take it.
7. Eat in season
Buy produce in season when they are cheaper and taste better.
8. Meal plan
Take time to plan your meals.
Not planning meals is the main reason why people end up buying takeout or at the drive thru.
9. Have a shopping list
Make a shopping list, and stick to it.
10. Use grocery store apps
Not only can you use apps like Ibotta, grocery stores like Kroger and Target have apps that can save you tons on top of the other methods we mentioned.
I personally love both the Kroger and Target apps.
11. Look at price per ounce
Pay attention to the price per ounce.
Sometimes, you are paying more if you don’t pay attention to this.
12. Drink water
Sugary beverages like soda and juice are not only bad for your health, they will cost you a lot of money.
Learn to drink just plain H2O.
Years ago, I had a thing for sodas sweetened with Stevia.
These were healthier than regular soda, but still not as healthy as water.
After I saw how much they were costing me each month,I got used to water very quickly.
Water is really the healthiest beverage, and drinking other things only makes you want more sugar.
How To Save Money On Eating Out

13. Brown bag your lunch
Know that brown bagging your lunch can save you thousands a year.
It is easy too.
RELATED: How Brown Bagging Your Lunch Can Save You Thousands A Year
14. Go for the lunch special at restaurants
If you like eating at restaurants, go during lunch.
At one of my favorite Mexican restaurants, the lunch special is around $10 versus $16 for dinner.
The dinner plate gives you a bigger portion of the same meal, but who needs more food in America?
15. Don’t purchase beverages
When you eat out, order water.
It is cheaper and healthier.
16. Don’t buy dessert
Dessert can cost as much as a meal.
Save your money unless it is something really special.
17. Use discounted gift cards
Discounted gift card sites have the highest discounts at restaurants and clothing stores.
You can save between 20-30%.
18. Avoid delivery unless you can avoid fees
Delivery can double the price of your order.
Unless you can get a discount or avoid fees, limit or avoid delivery.
19. Get a birthday discount
Most restaurants give you a discount or freebie on your birthday.
Make sure to get it.
This year my birthday happened during the pandemic.
I still managed to get dessert at my favorite Mexican restaurant, free guacamole at Chipotle, and a couple more things.
Without the pandemic, I would have gotten at least 10-20 free items.
20. Split a meal
Restaurants give enough food.
To save money, split a meal with friends.
21. Pick places without wait staff
Pick restaurants that allow you to get food at the counter.
You pay for service.
The service is what makes the restaurant experience nice, so you don’t have to do this all the time.
22. Order a kid’s meal
Kid’s meals are cheaper.
If the restaurant will allow, order a kid’s meal.
If you wanted to lose weight, it would be good on your waistline too.
23. Avoid fast food and junk food
Fast food and junk food are bad for your health.
Spend your money on something else.
Instead of junk food, eat whole foods like fruits and vegetables.
24. Learn to cook
I know it is embarrassing to admit, but for a part of my adult life, I did not know how to cook anything except rice and pasta.
I have been cooking for almost a decade now, and it is a whole different world.
I now can make things like healthy baked orange chicken and vegetable fried rice that I would usually only order at a restaurant.
I learned by simply watching YouTube and other cooking channels.
I now have a serious home chef hobby.
If I can do it, so can you.
You really won’t save a lot of money on eating out until you cook most of your meals.
RELATED: 15 Effective Ways To Reduce Your Dining Out Budget
How To Save Money On Transportation

25. Shop around for car insurance
Shop around until you find the cheapest car insurance.
26. Buy a used car
According to CarFax.com, new cars lose ten percent of their value as soon as you drive them off the lot.
After a year, your new car loses even more value.
It is worth twenty percent less.
There are so many places to get a used car now.
You can even have your mechanic run a test before you buy a used car.
That is what I did on my last used car purchase.
I knew every problem that was wrong before I bought.
If you are out test driving a used car, any nearby mechanic shop will do this assessment.
A lot of times, you can get it for free.
Gone are the days when used cars meant you would get a lemon.
27. Use apps to find the cheapest gas
Apps like Gas Buddy show you where the cheapest gas station is located.
They also can get you around $.20 off per galloon at certain gas stations.
28. Use a gas reward credit card
Use a reward card for gas like the American Express Blue card.
Most credit cards that reward you for gas also reward you for groceries.
29. Use gas station and other gas reward programs
Program like Shell, Mapco, and Marathon offer additional cents off gas.
You can combine these with apps like Gas Buddy, Get Upside, and a reward credit card.
30. Use public transportation
If possible, use pubic transportation.
31. Carpool
If offered at your workplace, carpool.
32. Shop around for repairs
Find the best prices for your repairs.
Consult more than one shop.
33. Pay cash for your next car
A car payment is a big expense in everyone’s budget,
Pay cash for your car if possible.
34. Inflate your tires
Properly inflated tires means less trips to the gas station.
RELATED: Not Saving Enough On Gas? : Here are 12 Easy Ways To Save At The Pump
How To Save Money On Clothing

35. Buy used clothes
You can find used designer clothing for pennies.
36. Shop at discounted stores
Stores like Ross, T.J. Maxx, and Marshalls can save you tons on name brand clothing.
37. Shop on sale
No one should pay full price for clothes.
Department stores run sales all the time.
38. Buy shoes discounted online
Shoes can be greatly discounted online.
The other day, I saw a pair of Under Armour sneakers for $30 instead of around $100.
39. Join email lists that save money
Email list like Be Frugal and the Krazy Coupon Lady save me money.
40. Join store loyalty programs
Join every store loyalty program out there.
41. Use promo codes
Use promo codes from places like Retail Me Not or other shopping portals.
How To Save on Housing and Utilities

42. Downsize
If you can, get a smaller house.
43. Make extra payments
Make extra payments on your mortgage.
44. Refinance
Refinance your home if possible.
45. Turn off the lights
Keep the lights and other electronics off when not in use.
46. Install energy efficient lights
They last longer and use less electricity.
47. Install a programable thermostat
This will save energy when you are not home.
48. Buy quality appliances
Pay for quality, so that it will last in everything from refrigerators to small kitchen appliances like blenders.
How to Save Money On Entertainment

49. Go outside
Enjoy the great outdoors.
50. Go to free events.
Find local events in your area and attend.
There are so many free events that there is almost no need to pay for entertainment.
51. Get a library card
Use your library for free entertainment from special programs to ebooks and DVDs.
52. Host dinner parties
Instead of eating out with friends, cook dinner at home.
53. Save on activities for the kids
Don’t spend too much on the kids activities.
Sometimes, there are free or low cost activities to do that are as enjoyable as paid activities.
How To Save on Communications & Cable

54. Cut cable
Cut the cord if possible.
If not, find ways to save on cable.
55. Get a lower data plan
Most people have more data on their phone than they need.
Measure your usage and cut.
How To Save Money On Banking & Credit Cards
56. Get an online savings account
High interest saving accounts pay more than traditional savings account.
Regular savings accounts give you nothing.
57. Switch accounts to get bank bonuses
For switching your bank account, you can get $300-$500 or more.
It may look inconvenient, but this is an easy way to make hundreds.
You can still keep your main bank account too.
58. Don’t pay ATM fees
Never pay ATM fees.
Most big banks have several branches.
You can also do this trick I learned here.
59. Don’t pay overdraft fees
Don’t pay overdraft fees.
One fee can be $35.
Turn off overdraft protection.
60. Pay less credit card interest
Ask your credit card company to lower your interest or get a 0% card.
61. Don’t pay credit card late fees
Credit card late fees not only cost you money, they lower your credit score.
If you are 30 days late on a bill, your credit score will take a big hit.
61. Use credit card rewards
Credit card rewards can make you hundreds or thousands a year.
If you can pay your balance in full each month, then you should have a reward credit card.
Why not get money back for purchases you would make anyway?
62. Monitor your bank account
Check your bank account every now and then to make sure everything is accurate.
63. Switch accounts if banking fees are high
If you pay high fees, get another bank account.
There are too many banks with no fees.
How To Save Money On Travel

64. Get a free trip
Use travel reward credit cards to get a free trip.
Read our sister site Travel Points 101 to see how to get started.
65. Join airline and hotel loyalty programs
Both airline and loyalty programs will reward you for every flight or hotel stay.
After a certain number of flights or hotels, you get a free flight or hotel.
66. Be flexible in dates
Use airline flexible date calendars to find the cheapest flights.
67. Be flexible in destinations
Choose your destination by the sale.
For instance, if flights to Madrid are on sale, choose that as your destination.
68. Travel in your own state
Save gas, and see more of your home state.
69. Drive instead of fly
Sometimes driving can save you money.
Sometimes it won’t though.
When you have a family, it will probably save you money.
Do your research.
70. Do day trips instead of overnight trips
Visit places not far from your home that require no overnight stay.
For instance, I live two hours away from Nashville, Tennessee.
This is an easy and fun day trip.
71. Tour your own city
Stay in your own city and learn something new.
72. Comparison shop for flights & hotels
Find the cheapest hotel or flights by using Google Flights or OTAs like Priceline.com or Hotels.com.
73. Use AirBnb
Sometimes, an Airbnb can save you money.
74. Stay with friends & family
If you have friends and family in lots of places that will let you stay for free, this is a great way to save money.
75. Use a budget airline
Budget airlines like Frontier, Spirit, or Ryanair can save you money.
76. Save on extras
Save on extras like parking, food, and baggage.
These can add up.
77. Get a 5th night free
If you are a member of a hotel loyalty program, get the fifth night free.
Some hotels will require elite status at the lowest level.
Some will require that you just join the loyalty program to get 5th night free.
How To Save Money On Electronics

78. Buy during holiday sales
Every holiday I see the iPad on sale.
I just bought a Fitbit Versa 2 smartwatch.
Why would I pay full price when these items go on sale every holiday?
79. Keep your electronics as long as possible
Keep your electronics as long as they will last.
80. Buy an older model
If you want an iPhone, usually last year’s model will be on sale now.
81. Buy refurbished
Refurbished means different things, so do your research.
Sometimes, you can get a good deal.
82. Use shopping portals and coupon codes
If you shop online, use a shopping portal like Rakuten.
You are leaving money on the table if not.
Each portal will have coupon codes too.
Use with a reward credit cards
Make sure to use a credit card with purchase protection if this is important.
83. Use discounted gift cards
I read about someone using discounted gift cards to save hundreds on an electronics purchase.
Just know you need to use a credit card if you want purchase protection.
84. Do your research
Do your research thoroughly.
Electronic purchases are usually some money.
RELATED: Why Holidays Like Father’s Day Are The Best Time To Buy Electronics
85. Sell your junk
If you have things around the house that can be sold, sell them.
I sold some designer handbags a couple years ago.
They were just sitting there.
Go through your clutter.
86. Use the 30 day rule
Wait 30 days to make any big purchase.
87. Quit smoking
Smoking is not only bad for your health, it costs you too.
88. Avoid stress spending
Find other ways to relax than to spend money.
Make note if you spend money because of stress.
89. Cancel unused subscription
If you have magazines that you don’t read or gym memberships you don’t use,
cancel them.
90. Do your own hair
If you can cut your own hair or do your own wash and set, do so.
91. Buy generic over the counter medicine
Generic medicine has the same ingredients as brand name products.
Last year, I switched to all generic over the counter medicine.
It has saved me a ton in cold medicine and other basics.
92. Have a budget
A budget is the first thing everyone should have.
It tells you where your money is going.
Make sure to not live without one.
93. Track your expenses in each area
If you track every category, you can see where you are wasting money.
94. Eat healthy
Eat a healthy diet.
Use MyPlate.
Saving your health can save you money down the line.
Besides money, who wants to be sick or have a shorter lifespan?
95. Exercise
Like eating healthy, exercise is essential.
People who don’t exercise don’t live as long.
Recommendations are thirty minutes a day most days of the week or about 150 minutes a week.
You can get your thirty minutes in ten minute increments throughout your day.
96. Have an emergency fund
If you don’t have an emergency fund, start with $1000.
Since most people can’t cover an emergency of $500, you will be ahead of the gang.
Later, aim for a three to six month emergency fund.
97. Make your new change a habit
Whatever you change, make it a habit that is part of your day.
98. Know it is it ok to make mistakes and don’t give up.
You can make mistakes.
There is no such thing as perfection, just progress.
99. Put the extra money in a separate account
For instance, if you save $150 on dining out, put it in a separate account.
This includes any area of your budget that you reduce.
Even if you saved $5 a week on any part of your budget, that would be $20 at the end of the month and over $200 at the end of the year.
Put the money toward another financial goal.
100. Keep learning
Keep reading and improving.
You will find ways to save money on more things that you learn about.
Read this blog and others to continue learning.
I love to read hundreds of blogs, magazines, and books on personal finance.
It keeps me learning.
Adding Pennies focuses on two things:
- Making money
- Saving money
Saving money cannot be underestimated again.
This has been a full list.
I wanted to cover every area of your budget.
Go out and try some.
Make sure your reading is always followed by action.
Sometimes, a small action in your day can make a big change.
Have you tried any of these methods to save money before?
interesting tips, some I’d never thought about really lol 🙂
I am glad it was helpful. Thanks.
Well where should I start this blog post about saving money was awesome! There were so many tips and tricks how to safe money in so many areas of your life! My favorite type was the one with look on the bottom or top of the shelf in a grocery store! That’s so true there are the same products as the one in the middle, but a cheaper version! That doesn’t mean it less of a quality. It is sometimes the same quality product but just because of the brand name it is overpriced! Thanks again for these tips!
Thanks. I am glad you enjoyed it.